Sponsored by: Amarillo Area Baptist, Caprock Plains Baptist, and Lubbock Area Baptist Associations
Monday, May 6
3:00 pm Shooting Range* - FREE
4:00 pm Registration in the Dining Hall
6:00 pm Evening Meal
7:00 pm. Evening Session
Ice Cream Social hosted by Texas Baptist
Band: FBC Lubbock Worship Team led by Jonny Hughes
Speaker: Robert White
Tuesday, May 7
7:30 am Breakfast in Dining Hall
8:30 pm Morning Session
12:00 pm Lunch in Dining Hall
1:30 pm Golf $35 at Floydada Country Club
* Please bring your own Pistols/Rifles/Shotgun & Ammo
Dr. Gary Lewis: Worship Leader
Church Engagement Officer for the Texas Panhandle
with Texas Baptist Men
Dr. Stacy Conner: Pastor, FBC Muleshoe
"Meeting the Every-Sunday Challenge of Having Something to Say"
William H Page, Jr: Business Insurance Advisor, CIC, CRM
"The Church Insurance World Today"
Dr. David Couch: DOM Bi-Fork
"The Minister and Personal Growth"
Panel Discussion Leaders
G. J. Walton: Pastor, FBC Silverton
Brad Miles: Pastor, FBC Shallowater
"Attracting & Working with Boomers & Younger Adults in the Church"
Overnight: Private Room in ACC or JCC + 3 Meals - $90
Overnight: JCC Bunk + 3 Meals - $50
Monday Only, Dinner & Evening Session - $25
Tuesday Only, Breakfast, Morning Session & Lunch - $30
Tuesday Only, No Breakfast, Morning Session & Lunch - $20
Private Lodging is Limited...Register Now
How do I Sign Up?
1. Call 806-296-2751 Mon-Wed 8:30-4:30 and let Yolanda Ybarra know you are coming. Other times leave a voice message.
2. You can choose to stay in the Motel Style Adult Conference Center; however, there are only 3 rooms remaining in the ACC. There are plenty of rooms available in the Jubilee Conference center and other facilities, of single or multiple occupancy. Yolanda can help you decide.
3. If we are not in the office, please, leave your name and contact information on the answering machine. We will get back with you.
4. We unfortunately cannot do credit cards, so send money to 2309 Utica, Plainview Texas, 79072 or as most do pay at the door by bringing cash or check to registration starting at 4:00 pm May 6, in dining hall of PBA. Please make checks payable to CPBA.
5. This will be a wonderful time of inspiration and fellowship.
Questions? Please give us a call.
Adam Harris
New Executive Director
Plains Baptist Camp & Retreat Center