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Thank you for joining us in prayer for the following churches and their leadership this week:

Week of  November 17-23


Seagraves, TX

Pastor J


Brownfield, TX

Pastor Bruce Cargile


Lovington, NM

Pastor Robert Diaz




In response to the challenges faced by churches in these uncertain times, a prayer initiative called "Churches Praying for Churches" aims to unite churches in a powerful campaign against the challenges they encounter. Inspired by James 5:17-18, the initiative seeks to impact the atmosphere over each church for the glory of the King.



The initiative is rooted in Jesus' call for His house to be a place of prayer (Matthew 21:13) and the encouragement to persist in prayer without losing heart (Luke 18:1). Churches are invited to spend at least 1% of their joint prayer time each week specifically praying for other churches within The Association.


How It Works:

Participating churches commit to dedicating 1% of their weekly joint prayer time to pray for specific churches within The Association. At the beginning of each week, a designated person receives an email with the names of two churches and their pastors to pray for, along with any special prayer requests. The list of churches is also available on the LABA website.



Churches interested in joining this initiative can sign up by sending a request to the LABA office, providing the point person's name, email address, and phone number.



The expected outcome is the manifestation of "God’s Kingdom come and His will be done." By fostering unity through prayer, the initiative aims to counter Lucifer's tactic of sowing disunity among the children of God. The scriptural foundation emphasizes the power and effectiveness of the prayer of righteous individuals (James 5:13-17 NIV).


Previous Campaign:

The initiative has a successful track record, as evidenced by the concerted, cohesive, unified, and powerful prayer campaign that took place from January 4, 2016, to December 26, 2016. Participating churches dedicated 1% of their weekly prayer time for 52 weeks, praying for all 106 Lubbock Area Baptist Churches.


To Join:

If your church wishes to participate in this transformative prayer initiative, please contact the LABA office at (806) 791-4442.

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Join Email Prayer Group

Is any one of you in trouble?  He should pray.  Is anyone happy? Let him sing songs of praise.  Is any one of you sick?  He should call the elders of the church to pray over him and anoint him with oil in the name of the Lord.  And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise him up.  If he has sinned, he will be forgiven.  Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed.  The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.

- James 5:13-17 NIV

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